Schmitt Appointed to Five House Standing Committees
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) today announced that he has been appointed to serve on the House Commerce, Local Government, State Government, Transportation and Urban Affairs committees for the 2019-20 legislative session. Schmitt was sworn into office for his first term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on Jan. 1.

“I am extremely pleased with my committee assignments,” said Schmitt. “I believe that service on these committees will not only provide me with the opportunity to address a broad range of important issues that affect all of us here in Pennsylvania, but will also allow me to focus on the key economic development and infrastructure issues that are so vital to the future prosperity and happiness of the citizens of the 79th Legislative District and our great Commonwealth. I intend to work very hard to help build a brighter tomorrow for the people of Altoona and Blair County.”

The Commerce Committee is responsible for originating legislation and overseeing implementation of programs which affect Pennsylvania companies. The committee has primary jurisdiction over corporate governance through the business corporation law, as well as regulation of offers of sale and credit through various statutes.

The Local Government Committee reviews bills that would amend the municipal codes by which local governments operate. This could include legislation related to local government purchases, real estate assessment policies and statewide pensions for municipal police officers.

The State Government Committee considers government reform proposals as well as legislation that deals with election laws, procurement law, Open Records Act, Sunshine Law, Public Officials and Employee Ethics Act, and the conveyance or leasing of state-owned property.

The House Transportation Committee is responsible for reviewing vehicle code regulations, mandatory insurance and coverage minimums, rules of the road, parking and local enforcements, mass transit codes, rail issues, PennDOT planning, oversight of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, airports, scenic highways and highway naming.

As a member of the Urban Affairs Committee, Schmitt will be involved in issues affecting the state’s cities including housing; urban redevelopment; economic development; land use planning and zoning; growth management; infrastructure financing; and city services such as police, fire, sewage and water.

For more information on Schmitt and his legislative priorities, visit or

Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
717.260.6474 /