Jan. 14, 2021
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) announced that he will serve on four House committees – the State Government, Insurance, Transportation and Urban Affairs committees – for the 2021-22 session.
“I look forward to picking up where we left off last session as the committees begin to formally meet,” Schmitt said. “As a returning member of all the committees, it is my hope we build on the groundwork laid during the previous session, particularly in the State Government Committee where we are expected to hold a series of hearings on the state’s election laws.”
The State Government Committee considers government reform proposals as well as legislation that deals with election laws, procurement law, Open Records Act, Sunshine Law, Public Officials and Employee Ethics Act, and the conveyance or leasing of state-owned property.
The House Transportation Committee is responsible for reviewing vehicle code regulations, mandatory insurance and coverage minimums, rules of the road, parking and local enforcements, mass transit codes, rail issues, PennDOT planning, oversight of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, airports, scenic highways and highway naming.
As a member of the Urban Affairs Committee, Schmitt will be involved in issues impacting cities, such as housing; urban redevelopment; economic development; land use planning and zoning; growth management; infrastructure financing; and city services.
For more information on Schmitt and his legislative priorities, please visit
RepLouSchmitt.com or
Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepLouSchmitt.com /